Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Two Weeks

What a whirlwind few weeks!  September has been a very full month, and I have not even left the ground yet.  Right now I am surrounded by suitcases, a harp, boxes, brooms and random papers.  All my books are returned to the library, and now I am readying the apartment for the subletter who will stay here while I'm gone. 

I'm so grateful to family, friends, and even some acquaintances who have contributed financially, and those who have contributed with a lot of moral support, to this trip.  When I think of how many people have assisted with the preparations for Turkey, it is astounding--financial contributions, airport rides, borrowing a camera and a backpack, parents as dogsitters and lots of eager questions and support from so many people. 

I leave on in two to go to Shreveport for a family visit and a dear friend's wedding, with a stopover to visit JDK and WS on the way.  Then on October 12 I head to NYC for a night of orientation, and then on October 13 we head off to Turkey!  At the end of October I'll be heading to Greece to study in Corinth for one week, and then to Ireland.

So, now back to packing and cleaning, and one final day in Berkeley before the travels commence!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

CCNC-N Women

A very quick update---the cost of the trip has been covered!  The women of the CCNC-N region contributed generously at the Fall Retreat (at Mission Springs).  They gave a total of $331---gratitude does not even begin to cover it.  I will recognize individuals in the next week or so, when I can get home and work through the individual contributions. 

The most fun part of the little booth I put up for contributions was a raffle for harp and violin services.  Congratulations Diane Terrell --- a harpist and violinist is coming to Chico soon!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lots of Gratitude from Berkeley

I am so blessed with many who are offering gifts and work my way to assist with my trip to Turkey.  In the past few weeks I have been teaching here and there, taking odd jobs, and being surprised with gifts from many wonderful people.  The short list:
  • Fairfax Community UCC: I taught a wonderful group of adult learners, and was so impressed with their insights, questions and conversation around the creation of the New Testament.  
  • Queen Scanner: I had a two day job scanning about 15 boxes worth of files.
  • On this Sunday, I will play harp and violin combo for the third time at the contemplative service at FCC Oakland, a delightful, historical church just north of downtown Oakland.
In the meantime, gifts from people like Brandy, Ann, and Juliet have been a delightful surprise, and I am so touched by everyone's generosity.  At the least---a postcard is coming your way!  At the most---my prayerful thanks.